jueves, 30 de julio de 2009

Colombia South America

A view from the Group Study Exchange (GSE) team - District 1270, North East England.
In May 2008, Fiona, Sarah, Stephanie & Stuart (Rotarian, DAG & Leader) were privileged to visit Colombia for a whole month. We had few preconceived views of what to expect, none of the team had had any previous exposure to Central South America.
We were lovingly accommodated by Colombian families, visited many projects, sites and Rotary Clubs. What did we learn from our exchange with Colombia?
The Colombians are warm friendly people, who love to dance
They are very generous, some we met were poor, often people that had fled the troubles with the guerillas in the south, with only what they could carry on their backs. However they would offer you a drink or snack and do it with sincerity & a huge smile
They always have time to speak and greet you, with a smile
Language can be a problem, if you let it – the younger people speak English well
What about the guerillas & the drugs barons. They are one in the same now, they have lost populous support and sadly for Mexico the drug barons are moving there
What about education & health care? Every child is entitled to free education and free medical care. A lot of the schools & hospitals are Foundations – not profit making. Some those fortunate to be able to pay for their children’s education or for health care directly subsidise those that cannot afford to pay.
Obviously if you pay – you get a better standard of education or health care.
Were you afraid to walk around a night? No more so that in my home town
The economy is improving all the time, the country is rich in minerals, the government is commercially astute and the manufacturing base growing.
Until recently the government has had to spend a third of its GNP to win the fight against the guerrillas. Now the war is nearing its end, the government can devote more resources to the social programme & infrastructure
Colombia is predominately Roman Catholic and promiscuity is far less prevalent than in the UK
Colombia is a beautiful country, inland it is dominated by the Andes mountain range and the coast has the beautiful cities of Cartegna & Santa Marta. In addition to this there are the un-spoilt islands in the Caribbean.
What about drugs drink and Rock ‘n’ Roll. We never saw evidence of drugs, we saw no binge drinking, but the Colombians love to dance.
Would we send our children to Colombia on Rotary’s Youth Exchange most certainly!
PS – Stuart returned in May 2009, to enjoy the Rotary District Conference and visit various projects that his Rotary District is supporting.
Stuart Leyland – July 2009
RC. Barton upon Humber (1270)

lunes, 6 de julio de 2009


A partir del 1 de julio del presente año y gracias a la confianza que ha depositado en mí el actual Gobernador Luis Alberto Gómez, estaré presidiendo el comité de Intercambio de Jóvenes del distrito 4270, motivo por el cual, este espacio en internet ha sido creado para tener informado tanto al distrito como a los jóvenes del mundo en general quienes podrán acceder, informarse y planear venir a Colombia por medio de este programa. Estaremos enterados del número de jóvenes que en este momento están siendo embajadores de Colombia en otros países, las ciudades y clubes rotarios a los cuales pertenecen, la evolución y logros obtenido poco a poco en su viajes, así como también tendremos la oportunidad de motivar a todos los jóvenes estudiantes del 4270 quienes después de conocer todo lo relacionado con el programa, sus ventajas y reglamentos podrán motivarse a participar en alguno de las dos opciones que se nos da Rotary Internacional (largo plazo o corto plazo).
En el transcurso de la semana será publicado el Reglamento que a partir del 1 de julio del 2009 rige en nuestro distrito y sobre el cual Rotary International nos concedió la renovación de la certificación para poder continuar con este programa el cual aspiramos sea a doble vía y poder beneficiarnos aún más, recibiendo tambien jóvenes de otros países.
Cualquier inquietud no duden en llamarme, estaré atenta a escucharlos.
Cordial saludo
Gladys Maldonado R
YEP 4270 2009-2010
From July 1, 2009, thanks to the confidence that the current Governor Luis Alberto Gómez has shown in me, I will be in charge of the Youth Exchange Programme for District 4270. This website has been created to both keep District 4270 upto date with youth activities within our District and to attract the young people throughout the world, who will be able to gain access to this site, to find out more about Colombia and the Youth Exchange Program.
The website will be constantly updated to show, where our Youth Exchange Students are in the world, their cities and their sponsoring Rotarian Clubs. It will also be updated, with their regularly feedback on their experiences and achievements. It will also provide the background, the framework and advice as to how one applies to take part and enjoy the experience of being a Youth Exchange Student, either on a short or long term basis.
Gladys Maldonado R.
YEP 4270 2009-2010